Kahler Slater Announces 2017-18 Community Partnerships

May 2, 2017

Kahler Slater is pleased to announce our 2017-18 community partnerships with Milwaukee Riverkeeper and the Clean Lakes Alliance. Every two years, our Milwaukee and Madison offices each select one local non-profit organization to support. These two-year commitments allow us to focus our time and energy on one cause in order to make a larger impact in the communities in which we live, work, and play.

In April, our staff had their first volunteer opportunities with our new partner organizations. Volunteers from our Madison office helped the Clean Lakes Alliance with restoration work near Lake Waubesa, which included clearing brush and planting 86 trees. In Milwaukee, volunteers sorted and organized over 22,000 items—including t-shirts, gloves, trash bags, newsletters, and stickers—to help Milwaukee Riverkeeper prepare for their Annual Spring River Cleanup, where thousands of volunteers gather for one morning each year to clean up trash throughout the Milwaukee River Basin.

Kahler Slater is also proud to be the first company to enlist in the new Adopt-a-River program, which was recently launched by Milwaukee Riverkeeper with support from MMSD. Companies, individuals, and organizations are now able to adopt sections of waterways within the Milwaukee River Basin, and will be responsible for cleaning them up at least twice a year.

We know that protecting, restoring, and connecting to our rivers and lakes will build healthier and stronger communities, and that is why we are excited to work with Milwaukee Riverkeeper and the Clean Lakes Alliance for the next two years. Through our involvement, our staff will learn about issues facing our waterways and will participate in efforts to clean and protect these valuable resources.

For more on Milwaukee Riverkeeper and the Clean Lakes Alliance, please use the links below.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper

Clean Lakes Alliance