Bryan Health
Merrick Medical Center

Central City, Nebraska

With limited access to funds and an aging facility, Bryan Health Merrick Medical Center was struggling with how to recruit and retain staff to support their goal of creating a positive impact on the health of their underserved community. MMC, a critical access hospital and rural health clinic, partnered with Kahler Slater address their challenges and create a sustainable path for the future.

The new facility focuses on enhancing wellness and providing comprehensive healthcare. Through radically flexible design, the building adheres to a high degree of standardization, hybridization and moves towards non-proprietary spaces – with all spaces optimized for varying levels of acuity and pandemic planning. The combination of universal rooms, hybrid functions, and unassigned spaces allows uses to flex up or down into contiguous spaces based on demand, resulting in reduced waste, construction, and operational costs. A central hub for cross-collaboration and shared staffing model create a more supportive provider environment. Anchoring the growing Central City wellness corridor, the new MMC promises to be a vibrant community asset for generations to come.

Powerful Results

Bronze Award
American Society of Interior Designers WI Chapter, 2022